A Crucial Set of Skills for the Most Crucial Time
As early-childhood educators, you play one of the most crucial roles for our children: seeing them through the first years of life. Wellpoint Care Network wants to help you recognize the signs of trauma and its impact on the developing mind and body. And most importantly – to provide children in your care the support that helps them learn and grow.
Significant development occurs in children from ages zero to three. Sometimes their brains, bodies and behaviors change so quickly, you can notice a difference from one day to the next. That’s why it’s so crucial for early-childhood educators to be well versed in the science of adversity.
Trauma Informed Care Learning Opportunities for Early Childhood Educators

Wellpoint Care Network has tailored our Trauma Sensitive Schools professional development training to the unique needs and demands of the early-childhood care sector so you can:
- Recognize toxic stress and its impact on developing minds and bodies
- Learn developmentally-appropriate regulation strategies specifically for infants and young children
- Suggest co-regulation activities for children and their parents or caregivers at home
- Develop ongoing strategies for nurturing children who have had adversity in their young lives
- Create trauma-informed best practices in your school environment
We’re Here Whenever You’re Ready
Trauma-informed training can be a vital for anyone who routinely encounters youth, teens and families who are at a significant crossroads in life. Whatever role you play, the ones you serve will benefit from the tools, resources and best practices our Trainers and Consultants provide.
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See a complete schedule of
virtual, in-person and hybrid
Trauma Informed Care Trainings.
“Providers need to know the impact that relationships and connections have on children.
Terryl Wheelock, Project Coordinator At 4C for Children
It’s all preventative care.”
How the Critical First Few Years Impact a Lifetime of Mental Health

According to Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child, early childhood experiences actually affect the development of a brain’s architecture. Just as a weak foundation compromises the quality and strength of a house, adverse experiences early in life can negatively impact all future learning, behavior and health.
At this stage, parents and caregivers play a vital role.
“In infant mental health work, we focus on adults to address what they’re experiencing and support them as a parent, caregiver, teacher or educator,” says Melanie Heindl, a Clinical Supervisor at Wellpoint Care Network. “If we can identify and troubleshoot concerns or behaviors as they come up, we can integrate strategies to support the child’s mental health.”
“What happened to you as an infant has a profound impact on this capacity to love and be loved.”
DR. Bruce Perry, Principal of the Neurosequential Network
Caring for Caregivers: Supporting Resilience in Early Childhood

In early childhood education, it’s easy to focus solely on young learners. But at Aemilian Preschool in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, they know that supporting the adults in the room is just as important.
The school has empowered both teachers and parents to nurture resilience in young children through trauma-sensitive consultation with Wellpoint Care Network. The training has created a ripple effect of wellness throughout the classroom and beyond.
“We have to be the role models for the children,” says Aemilian’s Executive Director Colleen Belknapp. “It’s important for us to be regulated and be able to show them the best ways to work with all of their emotions that come out.”

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The diversity of the work that I do ensures that no day is like any other.

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