Trauma Informed Care Trainers and Consultants: Professional. Experienced. Engaging.
It’s no secret that those we serve are involved in any number of systems, such as child welfare and criminal justice. But, given the dramatic impact of unresolved trauma in an individual’s life, it’s also no wonder.

Our Trauma Informed Care experts are highly trained in some of the best practice models; they contribute to research; and, they have deep experience in child welfare, clinical, school-based and law-enforcement settings.
There’s something else that makes our TIC team tick: a great deal of empathy.
Our trainers and consultants average over 20 years of experience in direct care and practice. This team knows the science, as well as the practical implications of Trauma Informed Care and how to put theory into action.
Why partner with Wellpoint Care Network on your learning and change efforts?

- More than 60,000 trained. Collectively, our team has trained over 60,000 professionals nationwide in Trauma Informed Care.
- Certified in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™. Our team has achieved certification in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics through the Neurosequential Network led by Dr. Bruce Perry, a nationally-recognized child psychiatrist and neuroscientist.
- Subject Matter Expert for Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Wellpoint Care’s senior coach and consultant, Sara Daniel, has co-led the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Trauma Sensitive School Initiative and co-authored the Trauma Sensitive Schools Learning Module Series.
- Published in scientific journals. Wellpoint Care consultant, Tim Grove, co-led a three-year research study on the effectiveness of applying a Trauma Informed Care case management approach in child welfare, published by the Journal of Child Custody.