Skills to Build a Successful Life

When young people in out-of-home care are preparing to exit the system, they often struggle with common tasks like maintaining a job, applying to college or getting their first apartment. That’s why Wellpoint Care Network offers Youth Services programs that aim to support them as they navigate the responsibilities of adulthood on their own.

YTA white paper cover

Youth Transitioning to Adulthood

Support for Those Who Have Aged Out of Foster Care

Wellpoint Care Network’s YTA program provides the guidance, support and resources that foster youth need to build emotional resilience, develop life skills and access the education, employment, healthcare and housing opportunities that will lead to a healthy independent adulthood.

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Support for Youth Leaving Care

Wellpoint Care Network uses a strengths-based approach that encourages youth who have exited (or will be exiting) Milwaukee County foster care to set, track and achieve life goals. Our experienced Case Managers provide guidance, support and community resources to help them create an individualized Plan for Success. 

The Youths’ Plan for Success allows for goals to be developed within the Five Pillars of Stability, which include:

  • Education: Setting up college visits, researching funds available for secondary education, navigating the process of applying for school or identifying alternative paths to obtaining a diploma or degree.
  • Employment:  Hosting and attending job fairs, development of soft skills and finding suitable employment that can provide financial stability.
  • Housing: Understanding leases and tenant rights, maintaining housing and some provision of household items.
  • Health: Coaching on the importance of identifying providers in the community for health needs, as well as support in accessing mental health services.
  • Caring connections: Establishing and maintaining a long-lasting and caring relationship with their case manager, creating safe and trusted relationships as youth focus on building a strong network of support to assist them throughout adulthood.

Monthly YTA Orientation

Our Youth Transitioning to Adulthood program hosts a mandatory Orientation Session for all new enrollees to help them understand the program’s goals and build relationships between participants and their Case Managers.

Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, March 26
5 – 7 p.m.

Wellpoint Care has proudly been delivering independent living services to youth since 2007. Our Youth Transitioning to Adulthood and Supervised Independent Living programs exist in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families.

Grid MKE app


When youth age out of foster care, it’s far too easy for them to fall off the grid and not have access to services to help them successfully enter into adulthood. GRiD MKE changes that. The app provides hundreds of resources in the areas of education, employment, health and housing as well as basic or emergency needs, like food and clothing pantries.

If you’d like to offer support to young people as they journey to adulthood, please visit our Donation Page.

For more information, please visit our How Can We Help? page.

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