Foster Care Awareness Month: Debunking Myths

We know that becoming a foster parent can feel overwhelming.
But, you’re probably more qualified than you think. Plus, Wellpoint Care Network is here with you through every step of the process.
As part of Foster Care Awareness Month, we are answering some of the most frequently asked questions and debunking myths.
MYTH: “I don’t have any children, and to be a foster parent you need parenting experience.”
Answer: Not true! Many foster parents do not have children of their own.
MYTH: “I could never be a foster parent because I’m not married and don’t make a lot of money. I don’t even own my own house.”
Answer: There are no such requirements. Foster parents can be married, single, partnered or divorced, a homeowner or a renter.
MYTH: “Foster parents have to stay at home with the children, and I work full time. I guess that excludes me.”
Answer: No, it doesn’t. Many foster children attend day care while foster parents work outside the home.
MYTH: “My children are grown and out of the house. I’m too old to be a foster parent.”
Answer: There is no age requirement (other than you must be at least 21). Many “empty nesters” find foster parenting to be a rewarding experience.
MYTH: “Foster children have been abused so much that they’re beyond repair. I wouldn’t really be making a difference, anyway.”
Answer: With proper training, foster parents can help mitigate the physical, behavioral and emotional effects of trauma, so that foster children can heal and thrive.
MYTH: “Once I take in a foster child, I’m on my own without any help.”
Answer: Children need stability, and foster care agencies offer various kinds of support, including access to training, respite, mentorship, childcare and education.
MYTH: “I would have to provide medical insurance for a foster child in my home.”
Answer: Foster parents do not pay any of a child’s medical expenses, other than over-the-counter medicines and supplies. Every foster child is afforded Title 19 health insurance to meet all their medical and dental needs.
MYTH: “I will get too attached and will have my heart broken.”
Answer: It definitely isn’t easy to love a child and return them to their home, but with training and support, we will help you understand your part in helping a family heal – a gift that will last a lifetime. Many families maintain an informal relationship with their foster family, which can continue the bond that you have created.
With more than 7,000 children in Wisconsin who need foster care, the need for foster parents is great. But the rewards are even greater.
Ready for the next steps? Learn more about becoming a foster parent today.