Diapers for Dads- Diaper Collection

November 1 to November 30

Wellpoint Care Network has partnered with the Milwaukee Diaper Mission for our 2nd annual “Diapers for Dads” collection and distribution event.

Our goal is to once again collect 10,000 diapers so that we can supply 100 dads with 100 diapers.

At Wellpoint Care Network, we want to show dads that we care about them, we value their presence and we appreciate everything that they do for their children.

This event is only possible because of donations from the community.

If you are able to donate either diapers or wipes, we will be collecting items throughout the month of November in Wellpoint Care Network’s Social Hall (8901 W. Capitol Dr.).

Details about the distribution event will be announced soon.

If you have any questions about the event, please email [email protected].