Foster Now
Are you interested in becoming a foster parent? You’ve come to the right place. Wellpoint Care Network has a long history of providing foster care – we’ve been licensing and supporting safe, nurturing foster homes since 1984.
Foster homes are in extremely high demand. There are currently more than 7,000 Wisconsin children who need foster care. Many people have already stepped up to become licensed foster parents, but there’s still not enough homes to meet the demand. That’s where you come in.
Don’t Rule Yourself Out So Fast

Thinking about becoming a foster caregiver? You’re probably already more qualified than you think. We need individuals and families from all backgrounds, cultures, neighborhoods and family structures to represent the diverse range of children who need a foster home.
You don’t have to be perfect or have the perfect home. You can be single, married or partnered. You can work outside the home (including full-time) and have children of your own in the home. More than anything, we’re looking for people with love and patience to share (a sense of humor always helps).
We’re Here Whenever You’re Ready
Whether you’re just thinking about fostering or ready to apply, you probably have questions about the process. We’re happy to help. Check out our online FAQ Page for answers to the most common questions, or reach out to us directly using one of the below options based on your comfort and preference:
Speak directly with a helpful representative
Call us today at:
855-GROW-HOPE (855-476-9467)
Have a representative reach out to you
A member of our staff will be in touch by your preferred method of communication.
Register online for an upcoming orientation
See a complete schedule of
both virtual and in-person
Prospective Foster Parent Information Sessions.
Did You Know?
About half of all Wisconsin kids in out-of-home care permanently go back to their biological families.
That’s in keeping with the national reunification average, which hovers around 50%

Trauma-informed Caregiving
for Every Level of Need
The physical, behavioral and emotional needs of children and teens in foster care can range from moderate to complex. Our foster parents are trained in Trauma Informed Care practices to mitigate the effects of trauma so their children can heal and thrive.
Ready to Learn More?
The need for foster parents is great – the rewards are greater. Ready for the next steps? Attend an upcoming Information Session online or in person, or sign up below to receive more information.
More Fostering Resources
Want to make a difference in a child’s life but not sure if you’re ready to become a foster parent? Learn about the many other ways you can Get Involved.
The Basics of Fostering | The Levels of Foster Care | Foster Requirements | Foster FAQs