Trauma-informed Consulting and Coaching
Interested in trauma-informed training, but aren’t sure any of our pre-scheduled offerings are right for you? Wellpoint Care Network can customize a unique Trauma Informed Care process for your small team, your whole organization or your entire community.
We believe every person can benefit from being trauma-informed and our experienced group of trainers are here to guide you. First, we’ll listen to your needs and get a feel for where you are in your trauma-informed journey. Then, we’ll talk through all of our current approaches, activities, resources and tools to create a custom roadmap for learning, coaching and implementation.
Customized Consultation, Coaching and Change Management

Wellpoint Care Network believes in concrete, practical strategies because we’ve seen them make a positive differences in the community. We’ll help craft a trauma-informed framework custom-tailored to your organization’s specific goals, time and budget. This route may be beneficial for those who:
- Are ready to move from understanding Trauma Informed Care principles to applying them to generate sustainable results.
- Plan to address culture, policy, systems and structures through a comprehensive change management strategy.
- Want to integrate Trauma Informed Care principles into frontline and direct-care work as well as infuse it into leadership practices.
- Seek guided support to foster practical, durable changes that will actually last.
“As a psychiatrist, the concepts you discussed were all things I was familiar with, but the way
Feedback from A MEMBER of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections
you put them all together drove them home with a clarity that I’d not experienced before.
I have truly started thinking about my clinical work in a new way.”
Our Trainers and Consultants: Professional. Experienced. Engaging.
Why partner with Wellpoint Care Network on your change efforts?

- More than 80,000 trained. Collectively, our team has trained over 80,000 professionals in Trauma Informed Care nationwide.
- Certified in the Neurosequential Model™. Our team has achieved certification in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics through the Neurosequential Network led by Dr. Bruce Perry, a nationally-recognized child psychiatrist and neuroscientist.
- Subject-Matter Expert for Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Wellpoint Care staff have co-led the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s Trauma Sensitive School Initiative and co-authored the Trauma Sensitive Schools Learning Module Series.
- Published in scientific journals. Wellpoint Care also co-led a three-year research study on the effectiveness of applying a Trauma Informed Care case management approach in child welfare, published by the Journal of Child Custody.