In a Crisis? You’re Not Alone.

A women huddles against a wall in the cold of night

If you or someone you know is in life-threatening danger, call 911 immediately.

In a crisis? You don’t have to struggle through it alone. Access local, state and national resources through Wellpoint Care Network’s carefully-vetted directory of resources and providers that you can call, text or message online for non-emergency support when you need it most.

National Crisis Resources

      The national communications system for runaway and homeless youth has been responding to youth and families in crisis for 50 years. Transforming technology, training and services to meet the current needs of vulnerable youth and ultimately achieve an end to youth homelessness.

    • RAINN | Call 800-656-HOPE | Chat
      The National Sexual Assault Hotline. Free. Confidential. 24/7. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is committed to supporting survivors of sexual violence, cultivating communities of anti-sexual violence activism, and promoting policies that deliver justice and hold perpetrators accountable.

    • NATIONAL DRUG HELPLINE | Call (844) 289-0879
      Resources are available for those struggling with any addictive substance, including alcohol. Professionals are available to help 24/7/365. Open to anyone dealing with addiction issues, including family members and loved ones.

    • PARTNERSHIP FOR DRUG-FREE KIDS | Call (855) 378-4373 | Text | Email
      Parents and other caregivers can reach out to connect with information and assistance dealing with children’s addiction issues. Live services are available during regular business hours, but concerned guardians can reach the hotline by email and text.

      Providing custom-tailored support including education, overdose prevention, recovery planning, support groups, rehab and counseling.

    • CALM | App for iOS & Android
      Put the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep and feel more present in your life. Relax your mind, and wake up as the person you want to be. Includes a free trial.

Resources By State

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has a list of affiliates by state. Find a resource near you.

Milwaukee-Area Crisis Resources

Child Abuse or Neglect: Milwaukee Child Protective Services | Call 414-220-SAFE

Child Sex Trafficking: Exploit No More | Call 414-384-6100 

Family Violence: Sojourner Family Peace Center | Call 414-933-2722 

Runaway Youth: Wisconsin Association for Homeless and Runaway Youth | Call 608-241-2649 

Youth Homelessness: Pathfinders | Call 414-271-1560 

If you’re seeking information on available community resources, call 211 or visit 211 Wisconsin.

For non-emergency help, Wellpoint Care Network provides therapeutic mental health services at our outpatient clinic, located on Milwaukee’s northwest side.

Meet Maiada (Nadia) Ali, MSW,BA

As a supervisor, I have the opportunity to assist my staff and encourage them to strive…

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Meet Justin Hughes

Wellpoint Care Network has provided me a positive workplace and allowed me the tools I need…

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Meet Maria Andrade

The diversity of the work that I do ensures that no day is like any other.

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